Before and After - Stained Wood Chest


My favorite blogs to read have before and after pictures, so I figured we could contribute.

We were able to check two significant items off of our post move in list today.  Re-staining our coffee table and finally hanging curtains.

First we re-stained our coffee table chest.


Sanded and ready

In the photos they don't look much different, but the chest is much prettier in real life now than it was before.

Then, after seeing this photo float around Pinterest for long enough, we rehung (or just hung) our curtains!
I absolutely hate measuring the rod length to window length, using a level, figuring out how to use the plastic anchors, etc.  Eric left town right after we moved in together, and I found that I had come into the ownership of a staple gun from combining our possessions. Of course I immediately had to use my new found toy, and the only thing I could think of stapling right then and there were the curtains to the wall. Pretty tacky now that I'm looking at it.
They weren't pretty.  And today we did something about it.   I still can't believe how much of a difference it makes.

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